The Superpowers of Sandalwood
With its classic, masculine fragrance Sandalwood is a much-loved ingredient for natural skincare- and rightly so! Claiming healing, rejuvenating and antiseptic properties Sandalwood is a real superhero of our SHAVE CARE range. Loved by both men and women alike, see below our brief dedication to the wonderful fragrance and all its many uses.
The Sandalwood Tree
Distilled from the heavy, yellow wood of Santalum trees, Sandalwood oil has been held in high regard for centuries. Unlike many other aromatic kinds of woods, Sandalwood retains its fragrance for decades. In fact, the tree itself is required to be a minimum of 15 years old before harvesting! Although dependent on other factors such as location and climate, the age of the tree dramatically affects the quality and yield of oil, with the oldest trees producing the finest quality.
Soft and warming, the Sandalwood fragrance contains fine notes of coriander, star anise and deep balsamic wood. With many beneficial skincare qualities too, Sandalwood makes a classy and distinctive addition to our SHAVE CARE range.
Superpower #1: Calming & Meditative
Helping to create a feeling of relaxation and peace as well as mental clarity, Sandalwood oil has been suggested to help reduce problems linked to anxiety and depression. Perfectly complimenting your shave care routine, our Sandalwood scented shaving soaps and creams encourage you to slow down and take a calming moment to enjoy a little self-care.
Superpower #2: Healing and Hydrating
Particularly effective for dry skin, Sandalwood is one of the most effective emollients, able to deeply penetrate the skin and provide your epidermis with the intense dose of moisture it so needs after shaving. Able to induce contractions in soft tissues, Sandalwood is also great at stimulating repair and rejuvenating the skin to help even skin tone and tighten the appearance of wrinkles. A real all-rounder, Sandalwood makes the ideal addition to our nourishing aftershave balms, helping to restore your skin’s natural balance.
Superpower #3: Antiseptic and Anti-inflammatory
Finally, Sandalwood also contains active compounds such as Santalol, which work to reduce inflammation as well as acting as a gentle antiseptic. This means that, just like the alcohol found in our aftershave lotions, Sandalwood is fantastic for tightening pores and sealing any of small nicks gained during shaving.
Shop the whole range here.