MÜHLE Vivo Brown Horn Safety Razor

MÜHLE VIVO Safety Razor, Brown Horn


Regular price $61.00
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  • Safety razor classic blade
  • Handles made of high-grade resin with chrome-plated metal highlights

The Material - High-grade resin

High-grade resin is a high-quality synthetic material, the surface of which is processed and refined separately. The material is ideal for exclusive accessories and writing implements because it facilitates a broad spectrum of modern and classical designs in many attractive colors.

To begin with, the aesthetic basic shapes for brush and razor handles are turned out of solid rods. Then each individual work piece is polished in several passes to give the surface its special gleam. This processing method lends the models a pleasant feel and secures their beauty for many years to come.

The Razorhead - Classic blade

For generations, the safety razor has been regarded as a stylish classic which can even shave edges with precision. For many, it is the razor par excellence. Its styling is ideally suited to the design of the MÜHLE products.

Even if the open blade does demand a little respect at first: After a brief familiarization period, and guided by a steady hand, it produces a very close shave and a lasting result. Unlike modern blade systems, the head of the safety razor does not move. The blades are replaced by unscrewing the cap. They can be purchased from us and by retailers everywhere.

We recommend our rust-proof MÜHLE razor blades, a perfect match for our safety razors.